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Network Architecture Research Lab

Research Areas: Software Defined Networks, Internet of Things, Smart Cities, Smart Grid

Intelligent Information Systems Research Lab

Research Areas: Intelligent Information Retrieval, business intelligence, data mining, optimization

Combinatorial Optimization ‌Reseach Lab

Research Areas: Algorithms Discrete and Combinatorial Optimization Operations Research Linear and Integer Progra

Software Engineering Research Lab

Research Areas: Software engineering Software testing Formal verification

Complex networks and data analysis ‌research lab

research areas: Complex networks analysis, Data science, Bioinformatics, prognostics and diagnostics, System bio

Geometric Space Robotics: Towards Resilient Autonomy of Space Mission

An inseparable component of international space exploration and exploitation programs is space robotics, ranging from space manipulators to planetary rovers, and typically being constrained, mobile and flexible. Such multidisciplinary systems ought to reliably perform operations in hostile outer space environments to accomplish space missions.

Foundation For A Better World (FFABW): Visions, Missions and Practices

Ludo Thijssen is the initiator of the Foundation For A Better World (FFABW).
The FFABW wants everyone to have environmentally friendly renewable energy
and clean drinking water. The FFABW takes care of the development of these
techniques in complete market-ready products and shares that knowledge under
free Open Source licenses via the Internet. Only if everyone has access to these
devices can there be a chance that we will do something about the global warming
rate. Everyone can and may make and use these products, rent and sell these

A Digital RF Transmitter with Background Nonlinearity Correction

Digital RF transmitters (TXs) have gained popularity in recent years for their many advantages. They
dispense with analog functions, such as baseband filters, variable‐gain amplifiers, and predrivers, while
allowing correction of I/Q mismatches and carrier leakage in the digital domain. Moreover, they avoid
the linearity‐gain trade‐off present in every stage of an analog TX.
The greatest challenge facing RF transmitters, analog or digital, is the trade‐off between the linearity

The first festival of applied and internship projects of the Faculty of Electrical, Computer and Industry

Annually, about 200 undergraduate students carry out their undergraduate project in an applied field under the supervision of professors at the Faculty of Electrical and Computers Engineering. According to the scientific and technical capabilities of students, the undergraduate project of students can be defined in the form of technical and scientific needs of companies active in this field to solve the problems of the industry, bringing students closer to their future work environment.

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