Foundation For A Better World (FFABW): Visions, Missions and Practices
Ludo Thijssen is the initiator of the Foundation For A Better World (FFABW).
The FFABW wants everyone to have environmentally friendly renewable energy
and clean drinking water. The FFABW takes care of the development of these
techniques in complete market-ready products and shares that knowledge under
free Open Source licenses via the Internet. Only if everyone has access to these
devices can there be a chance that we will do something about the global warming
rate. Everyone can and may make and use these products, rent and sell these
products under the Open Source license conditions. There are no obligations to the
FFABW. Ludo Thijssen does expect people who are going to make money from
the products developed by the FFABW to realize that further development is
needed and that they will sponsor the FFABW to their own ability. The FFABW is
not focused on profit and has a charity status. The FFABW has just enough donors
to develop the first devices.